Safety by Design Demonstrates Good Governance

The objective of Safety by Design is to systematically identify, mitigate and eliminate as many workplace hazards as possible.

The objective of Safety by Design is to systematically identify, mitigate and eliminate as many workplace hazards as possible.

Workplace safety is a key piece of good corporate governance, especially considering recent global events. Smart companies are adopting a new approach, Safety by Design, a proactive and preventive method that makes good governance better.

Over the last few years, companies around the globe have increased their focus and investment into environment, social and governance strategies (ESG). They realize that ESG delivers improved financial performance and keeps workers, customers and investors happier. In the first post of our series on ESG trends, we discussed several factors that are accelerating the rise of sustainable business and how organizations can benefit. This article shows how and why workplace safety is a critical component of good corporate governance.

Good Governance Is Essential for Business Success

Governance describes a broad range of corporate …

The Labor of the Safety Professional

The Triangle Shirtwaist Garment Factory fire killed 146 workers in New York City in 1911 and sparked protest marches across the country as workers demanded safer working conditions.

One of the joys of age is the ability to look back with more experience and, hopefully, more wisdom. I began my career as a safety and health professional in 1989. Worker safety and safe working conditions have been top of mind for me for more than 30 years.

It does not escape me that things have changed a lot in our profession these past three decades and, without a doubt, will rapidly change going forward. Yet, our work is still the same: As safety and health professionals, our core duty is to return people – our colleagues and the workers entrusted to our care – back to their families every day. We do more than that, but if we aren’t protecting … Read more...