Construction Fatal Four: Understanding Risks and Ensuring Safety

Graphic of construction workers suffering from the construction fatal four

The construction industry is vital to infrastructure development worldwide, but it’s also one of the most dangerous sectors to work in. Among various hazards, the “Fatal Four” stands out as the leading causes of fatalities on construction sites.

The “Fatal Four” is comprised of falls, electrocutions, workers caught in or between objects and being struck by objects. In the United States alone, these safety incidents account for over 50% of construction worker deaths annually, tallying up to around 800 lives lost each year. These statistics are an urgent reminder to put into action safety measures to enhance workplace safety.

This article delves into the Fatal Four – what they are, why they’re so deadly and how construction companies can mitigate these risks to ensure worker safety. Through a multifaceted approach blending rigorous protocols, cutting-edge technologies and commitment from both workers and leadership, let’s strive to create a future where … Read more...

How Technology Can Help You Avoid Construction Accidents

It’s an understatement to say that construction is dangerous work. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the construction industry records more fatal work injuries than any other sector. Companies and industry experts have long sought ways to reduce construction accidents, and technology may help companies use new innovations to keep workers safe.

Scott Gerard, a safety consultant with extensive experience in construction, says several elements contribute to the ongoing high rate of accidents in the sector. One is a lack of formal training within the workforce. Many people come into construction simply because they can. Perhaps they haven’t had success finding a job in their preferred field or they don’t have a strong background in any field at all. In need of work, construction becomes a default for them, despite having no hands-on experience in a trade. Insufficient training means these people are more … Read more...